01 The setting: An empty work floor

Once a room full of people or else full of machines, either way it has always been a place of work. This impressive room needed to come alive, it was to turn into a room for meetings, talks and ideas, for laughter and parties. An office kitchen should become the central element of this “corporate forum”. We set out to reinterpret this mundane and often empty place of fleeting encounters as a unique communication venue.





02 The wood: Know how

Wood is our raw material and the basis of our work. But all wood is not the same – therefore we individually select the type of wood for each project giving it its own personal touch. The different features and the unique material characteristics of wood underline the character and the quality of our work. Our knowledge and our understanding is expressed in each of our designs. We strive for high-quality implementation and the perfect technical alignment of material and form.





03 The sawmill: Well connected

Eight perfect oak trunks or our thought of a kitchen. There are only very few sawmills in Germany that are capable to process these trunks in one piece. It is one of our passions to know about such insider’s tips and use their know-how for a perfect overall result.





04 The metal: In good form

Bending is easy. But here the extremely precise and innovative high-tech application of laser cutting comes together with the heavy-industrial technique of forming steel– with an exceptional result. Even though we do not process steel we remain present even during this step in the process and take care of detailed perfection.





05 The assembly: Pure craftsmanship

The face of the kitchen is as individual and unique as our client. Together with the internal fittings crafted by Wiedemann Werkstätten it is ready for the final assembly – in one piece.





06 The construction: A solid piece of work

It is the on-site assembly that differentiates a good from a perfect kitchen. For us it is one of the crucial moments, since this is where we can demonstrate our precision. Especially when neither nails nor glue are used for the assembly, courage for unusual construction and perfect execution are essential. Now, after planning, development and assembly by Wiedemann Werkstätten, the kitchen is ready to be lived in, to be used and fêted.





07 The grand finale: A kitchen to live in

It’s a magnet for partygoers, a stage for the tried and tested as well as for experimentations, where things heat up and cool down, where meals are prepared and enjoyed. It is the central space, for living and working: No two kitchens are alike but every kitchen provides a true challenge. We create, plan and realize yours: A kitchen for a lifetime.